Use GoDaddy to add a "/Donate" page
Megan Carlson Kladakis avatar
Written by Megan Carlson Kladakis
Updated over a week ago

Are you ready to add a /donate page that shows your Harness Donation Options on your website (i.e. using GoDaddy?

If so, follow the instructions below and you'll have a page on your own website link in under 2 minutes (and without having to do any major updates)!



  1. Login to your GoDaddy account

  2. Click on the "Profile Dropdown" in the NavBar (or click this LINK)

  3. Choose your organization's website from the Table

  4. Scroll down and click "Manage DNS"

  5. Under "Forwarding" click on the ADD next to "SUBDOMAIN"

  6. Type the word "donate" into the SUBDOMAIN field

  7. Select "https://" (the one ending in "s") from the FORWARD TO dropdown.

  8. Add your Harness Donation Page that you'd like to display to the "FORWARD TO" field (this link can be found on your Harness Admin Dashboard - Home Page) and should look something like this:  https://[organization]

  9. Select "Temporary (302)" as the FORWARD TYPE

  10. Under SETTINGS, select "Forward with masking"

  11. "Masking Information" will then be displayed below.  Add whatever Title, Description and Keywords you'd like for this page to show up as.  Use the "Additional Resources" below for more information on these.

  12. Check the box for "Update my nameservers and DNS settings to support this change" and then hit SAVE.

You're all set!  It can take up to 24-48 hours to update!




Additional Resources

Use the information below for any additional resources:


Masking Information Explained (Step 9)

  • Title - Displays at the top of the browser window and in search results (title can be no more than 80 characters)

  • Description - A short description of your website to display in search engine results (description can be no more than 150 characters)

  • Keywords - A list of comma-separated keywords that describes the content and purpose of your website (keywords can be no more than 500 characters)


More Resources

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